domingo, noviembre 18, 2007

amor líquido

a cause my love

Encontrar este término de (Bauman), el AMOR LIQUIDO, me hace pensar en un amor de tarjeta de crédito que se usa fácilmente, como un amor que se agota en si mismo y no deja mas huella que el descuento en la cuenta de crédito en el mes siguiente. El consumo del amor, o de la amistad o de lo que sea, son tantas las relaciones que se pueden obtener ... O la sospecha de ..., que una palabra mas, un gesto mas, un beso mas... que importancia tienen ? Si al final, daremos la vuelta y encontraremos lo mismo, otro amor, alguien para satisfacer un deseo tan intenso como rápido de satisfacer...


A woman is shaking out a rug on the balcony of her seventeenth floor condominium when a sudden gust of wind blows her over the railing. "Damn, that was stupid," she thinks as she falls. "What a way to die."

As she passes the fourteenth floor, a man standing at his railing catches her in his arms. While she looks at him in disbelieving gratitude, he asks, "Do you suck?"

"No!" she shrieks, aghast.

So, he drops her.

As she passes the twelfth floor, another man reaches out and catches her. "Do you screw?" he asks.

"Of course not!" she exclaims before she can stop herself.

He drops her, too.

The poor woman prays for one more chance. As luck would have it, she’s caught a third time, by a man on the eighth floor. "I suck! I screw!" she screams in panic.

"Slut!" he says, and drops her. (S)

sonrio y pienso cómo me esperabas ...

y yo a ti


muchas gracias a Ángel, a Lobo, a Pilar y a Mía